Dueling Pianos
Whenever Thursday rolls around, there’s that one question that nags at you: do you go out or stay in? I mean it’s practically the weekend already, might as well get it started! So the real question is: what the hell do you do?
What do you do on Thursday night in South Mission Beach, San Diego? Something that's different, something a bit more than your average night out. Where can I find that something to bring back some old memories and help create some new ones in the process? You're looking for a night full of drinking, singing, energy, and fun. Where can you find IT?
Well, we've got it! We've got exactly what you need, right here at the Beachcomber.
That's right. You're looking for the Beachcombers Killer Dueling Piano Night! It's a sing-along, clap-along, drink-along, have-one-helluva-good-time-along night! It's a throw your arm around your neighbor and party with everyone kinda place! You can't mix that many people, that much music, and that much booze and have a dull night!
Dueling Pianos is somewhat of an unclear term. For those who have never heard of it, they often imagine two piano players competing with each other, "piano versus a piano, may the best man win!" Nobody sat down to a piano bar and thought, "You know what's missing? An opponent." But, something was lacking in the piano bar scene in stepped the Killer Dueling Pianos to fill that void.
No, Dueling Pianos is not like “cutting heads” musician versus musician. Dueling Pianos is an engagement of talented musicians, working together to reach new levels in entertainment. The Killer Dueling Pianos have raised this form of merrymaking to an art form.
The Killer Dueling Pianos resurrected the piano bar format, this time incorporating more contemporary music, with the players not really fighting to showcase skill or speed, but working together in a more traditional, if a double piano, kind of entertainment.
They play all the songs you love to sing. Rock n Roll, Pop, Classic Tunes, Country, whatever your pleasure! These guys can play thousands of songs, everything from the classics to today’s Pop Music, and the audience requests that pour in all night long. They roll with it and keep the party going uninterrupted.
Remember, Two pianos are better than one! And we’ve got them here every Thursday night! Returning June 17th 8 p.m.